About Us

We are Nepal's First Laser Therapy Clinic

Laser Therapy is the latest alternative treatment of more than 400s of diseases by Low-Level Laser Radiation (LLLR) without any side effect and harm. It is easy, comfortable, not painful, no admission needed, OPD based treatment, low cost, early response and fast healing (10 times faster) than other therapies. Laser Radiation gives very low dose which is only enough to stimulate cells (biostimulation), re-activates and healing “NO” damage, better than surgery and physiotherapy in many diseases.

Laser Therapy Can Treat

Broncho-pulmonology: Bronchitis, pneumonitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis.

Rheumatology: Rheumatoid arthritis, infectious non-specific arthritis, gout.

Gastroenterology: Gastric duodenal ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, colitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, biliary dyskinesia.

Cardiology: Ischemic heart disease, angina pectoralis, post-MI, cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia.

Neurology: Neuritis, neuralgia, radiculopathy, lumbago, CVA with paraplegia, osteochondrosis, nerve injuries, brachial plexus injury, disk prolapse (PIVD-No need surgery).

Orthopedic: Arthrosis, osteoarthritis (DOA), cervical & lumber spondylosis, bursitis, fibrocystic disease, plantar fasciitis, periarthritis, epicondylitis, post-fractures, dislocation, and tendon injuries, tennis elbow & sports injuries.

Dermatology: Dermatitis, eczemas, psoriasis, herpetic neuralgia, lichen planus, vitiligo, capillary hemangioma.

Urology: Cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, genital herpes, impotency.

Gynecology: PID, vaginitis, cervical erosion, mastitis, adhesion.

Surgery: Phlegmon, infiltrations, non-healing wounds, varicose & diabetic ulcers, bedsores, frost bites, obliterate endarteritis, angiopathy, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, hepatic-renal, piles, proctitis, and paraproctitis, piles, and anal fissures.

Nephrology: Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, small kidney stones.

E.N.T.: Sinusitis, ethmoiditis, otitis, tympanitis, rhinitis, migraine, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis.

Dental: Stomatitis, gingivitis, pulpit, post-extraction pain, facial and trigeminal neuritis, tunnel syndrome.

Cosmetology: Scars, keloids, warts, moles, acne, alopecia, strictures, cellulitis.


Some glimpses of our staff in action

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We promised to take care… and delivered

What Our Happy Patients Said

  • २ बर्ष देखी कोठामा भएको शौचालय पनि जान सकेको थिएन, धेरै निराश भैसकेको थिएँ । लेजर थेरापिवारे थाहा पाएँ । २० दिनको उपचार गर्नासाथ म आफै हिडेर क्लिनिक सम्म आउन सक्ने भएँ । मेरो दुवै खुत्ताको हद्दी खिईएको थियो । घुदा फेर्नु पर्छ भनेको थियो । हालसम्म ५ पटक १०-१० दिनको लेजर थेरापी गरेँ । अहिले मलाई कहिँ दुख्दैन, एक्लाई सबैतिर जान्छु । मैले लेजर थेरपी बाट नयाँ जीवन पाएँ ।
    लालिता देवान ६५ बर्ष महिला
  • हातको दुखाइ र शल्यकृयापछी निको नभएको घाउको लागी नेपाल आई Laser Therapy गरे । १० दिनमा निको भयो । मैले Denmark मा ६ महिना सम्म कुर्दा पनि पालो आएन ।
    Ms Tetde 32 years old Female from Denmark
  • "पहिले धेरै मेहेनत गर्दा पनि निको पार्न नसकिएको ढाद को दुखाई लेजर थेरापी सुरु गरेको २० दिनमै निकै कम भएर गएको छ ।
    पुण्य प्रसाद भट्टराई विगत १० वर्ष देखिको ढादको दुखाई